Check here for Class information!
The classes on this page are from 2023. Check out our new classes coming in 2024 in January!

Let’s paint with coffee *SOLD OUT*
We love the taste & the aroma
A two-session painting workshop on February 6th & 13th
Bring an attitude and an open mind, or find them if you are looking for them.
Coffee supplied for drinking and painting, show up, paint, smile
Music, Comradery and Creativity.
$80 located @Traditions on 8th

This is our only three part workshop until the fall! Dates are March 6th, 13th & 20th
Bring an attitude and an open mind, or find them if you are looking for them.
All materials are supplied for painting. Snacks and some adult beverages are included as well.
Music, Comradery and Creativity.
$120 located @Traditions on 8th

Multi Medium Collage
Don’t keep your heirlooms in a drawer, celebrate them!
A two-session art workshop, Mondays, April 3rd & 10th
Mornings 11-1 OR Evenings 6-8
Everything supplied but the family pictures, *unless you want a picture of my family*
You will need to bring at least 5 color copies of your heirloom pictures
Examples: A person, a couple, things that remind you of them, letters etc.
$90 total for both classes
Located at Traditions Unlimited on 8th

It's May! Let's paint a bird
It’s May, let’s celebrate! I’ll teach you a bit about painting birds
A two-session art workshop Mondays, May 1st & 8th
Mornings 11-1 OR Evenings 6-8 pm
Everything supplied but the bird - just show up, paint, smile
Music, Comradery and Creativity.
$90 TOTAL for both classes
Located at Traditions Unlimited on 8th St
Sign up on the home page or with this form here